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Floriane Derouaux

Management assistant

Graduated in communication, I joined the A-Th office in 2013. I participate in the organization and coordination of team activities. I also handle the administrative support for the individuals undergoing guidance and the consultants, as well as the logistics of missions. I have the delicate task of the initial contact with the terminated individuals and employers in the outplacement process.

Being naturally curious and driven by a desire to acquire new knowledge, I pursued an Executive Master's in Human Resources.

I firmly believe that learning is a continuous process, and I am always seeking new sources of inspiration to enhance my work and contribution to the company. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with colleagues and working collaboratively to achieve our common goals.

On a personal note, I am passionate about the simple pleasures of life. I love taking walks in nature, reading, and discovering new things. Fascinated by history, I enjoy learning more about the cultures and periods that have shaped our world.

"Only the tree that has weathered the wind's assaults is truly vigorous, for it is in this struggle that its roots, tested, grow stronger."


Expertises :

Coordination of individual and collective outplacement

Outplacement legislation

Customer relations

Internal sales

Companies in motion  ?

Managers in Development?  ?

Growing SMEs?  ?

Questions ?

Advice ?

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